REPL Connection



sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0
MicroPython v1.10-1527-g865e961de on 2020-01-23; LEGO Technic Large Hub with STM32F413xx
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> {"m":0,"p":[[49, [0, 0, -169, 0]], [61, [99, 7]], [48, [0, 0, 177, 0]], [48, [0, 0, 173, 0]], [49,
{"m":0,"p":[[49, [0, 0, -169, 0]], [61, [99, 7]], [48, [0, 0, 177, 0]], [48, [0, 0, 172, 0]], [49, [0, {"m":0
>>> import hub


Use bluetoothctl to enable bluetooth and scanning:

$ sudo bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent is already registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started

Press the Bluetooth button on SPIKE, in bluetoothctl you should see something like:

[NEW] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F 40-BD-32-46-9D-3F
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Name: LEGO Hub@dwalton76-hub
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Alias: LEGO Hub@dwalton76-hub

Now pair with that device:

[bluetooth]# pair 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F
Attempting to pair with 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Modalias: bluetooth:v0397p0001d0001
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F UUIDs: 00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacaff
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F UUIDs: 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Connected: no

List your paired devices:

[bluetooth]# paired-devices
Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F LEGO Hub@dwalton76-hub

Not sure if it is needed but you can “trust” the hub:

[bluetooth]# trust 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F
[CHG] Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F Trusted: yes
Changing 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F trust succeeded

info about the bluetooth connection:

[bluetooth]# info 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F
Device 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F (public)
        Name: LEGO Hub@dwalton76-hub
        Alias: LEGO Hub@dwalton76-hub
        Class: 0x00000804
        Paired: yes
        Trusted: yes
        Blocked: no
        Connected: no
        LegacyPairing: no
        UUID: Vendor specific           (00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacaff)
        UUID: Serial Port               (00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
        UUID: PnP Information           (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
        Modalias: bluetooth:v0397p0001d0001
        RSSI: -35
        TxPower: 0

Exit out of bluetoothctl and use rfcomm to create a /dev/rfcomm0 device:

$ sudo rfcomm bind 0 40:BD:32:46:9D:3F
$ ls -l /dev/rfcomm0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 216, 0 May  3 08:15 /dev/rfcomm0

Use screen to connect to /dev/rfcomm0:

$ screen /dev/rfcomm0
MicroPython v1.10-1527-g865e961de on 2020-01-23; LEGO Technic Large Hub with STM32F413xx
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> {"m":0,"p":[[49, [0, 0, -169, 0]], [61, [99, 7]], [48, [0, 0, 177, 0]], [48, [0, 0, 173, 0]], [49,
{"m":0,"p":[[49, [0, 0, -169, 0]], [61, [99, 7]], [48, [0, 0, 177, 0]], [48, [0, 0, 172, 0]], [49, [0, {"m":0
>>> import hub

Windows 10







