
spikedev is an open source micropython library for LEGO SPIKE. The goal of this library is to build on the functionality provided by LEGO’s import hub library. spikedev is not firmware, it is simply a colletion of .py files that you copy to your SPIKE hub and then import like any other library.

Many features in spikedev were ported from ev3dev-lang-python. If you would like to contribute to spikedev, the source is managed at https://github.com/dwalton76/spikedev .


The following example of spikedev.tank.MoveDifferential can be used for any tank style robot, just substitute SpikeLargeWheel for the type of wheel you are using and DistanceStuds(19) with the number of studs seperating your wheels. This example is for the Advanced Driving Base



  • turn right 90 degrees

  • drive forward 12 inches

  • drive halfway around a cirle with a radius of 8 inches


# Run via
#  sudo ampy --port <your-dev-here> run ./demo/tank/advanced-driving-base.py
import hub
import math
from spikedev.motor import MotorSpeedPercent, SpikeLargeMotor, SpikeMediumMotor
from spikedev.sensor import ColorSensor
from spikedev.tank import MoveDifferential
from spikedev.unit import DistanceInches, DistanceStuds
from spikedev.wheel import SpikeLargeWheel

adb = MoveDifferential(
adb.rear_motor = SpikeMediumMotor(hub.port.C)
adb.front_motor = SpikeMediumMotor(hub.port.D)
adb.left_color_sensor = ColorSensor(hub.port.B)
adb.right_color_sensor = ColorSensor(hub.port.F

adb.turn_right(90, MotorSpeedPercent(20))
adb.run_for_distance(DistanceInches(12), MotorSpeedPercent(50))
adb.run_arc_right(DistanceInches(8), DistanceInches(8) * math.pi, MotorSpeedPercent(20))